This is the official source for Extinction Rebellion UK news,
press releases, updates, images & videos.
Email: press@extinctionrebellion.uk
Phone: +44(0)7756136396

Monday, 9.30am: Extinction Rebellion’s first Crown Court trial begins
The trial of three Extinction Rebellion protesters who disrupted the Docklands Light Railway during the April Rebellion begins on Monday (16th December) at Inner London Crown Court. Cathy Eastburn, Mark Ovland and Luke Watson are the first members of Extinction Rebellion to have their cases heard before a jury of fellow citizens, rather than in a Magistrate’s court where judges sit alone.

BREAKING COP25: Extinction Rebellion vomits up oil at CEPSA – ‘the world is getting sick, we need to put people before profit’
12 December 2019, Madrid, Spain – Extinction Rebellion’s Rebels without Borders have today swarmed CEPSA (Torre Cepsa, Paseo de la Castellana, 259, A, 28046 Madrid) as well as occupying the foyer dressed in business suits – representing the obsession with oil and gas profits – and vomiting up oil inside.

Celebrities backing Extinction Rebellion say “Party leaders – please meet the brave Hunger Strikers!”
The General Election is here and as people flood to the polls to cast their vote, Extinction Rebellion Hunger Strikers remain outside party headquarters in London to demand party leaders…

‘2025: The Long Hot Winter’ Independent Short Film Explores Danger of Inaction and Threat of Eco-Fascism
'2025: The Long Hot Winter' is a satirical fictional comedy released today highlighting the threats of eco-facism, apathy and inaction in the face of climate and ecological breakdown

BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion UK glue themselves to Tory battle bus and ask the Conservative Government “Where have you been?” this #ClimateElection
press@risingup.org.ukPhone: +44 7561098449 / +44 7459055152 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | New – Crowdfund the #ElectionRebellion!#ElectionRebellion #UpgradeDemocracy #ThreeDemandsBill #VoteClimate Extinction Rebellion…

Madrid and London: Extinction Rebellion Artists Join Forces to Raise Awareness About the Climate Emergency
Enjambre Sonoro (Sound Swarm). Collective Enmedio and Filastine in collaboration with Extinction Rebellion. Photo: Lorenzo Belenguer 2 – 13 December 2019 – COP25 Madrid: Conference United Nations Framework Convention on…

BREAKING COP25 – Extinction Rebellion and Minga act for Amazonia: Let’s disrupt the Destruction
[Spanish below] 9th December, 2019 (Madrid, Spain) – It is time to #ProtectTheAmazon. Today, Minga, the indigenous peoples’ alternative to COP25, and Extinction Rebellion’s Rebels Beyond Borders have blocked the…

Day 22: Lily Cole visits Hunger Strikers on their fourth week
press@risingup.org.uk Phone: +44 7969 083 371 / +44 7459 055152Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | New – Crowdfund the #ElectionRebellion! Lily Cole,…

The Air We Grieve: Extinction Rebellion Block Central London Road to Demand Action on Deadly Air Pollution as Hunger Strikers Continue into Fourth Week
Extinction Rebellion have blocked Cranbourne Street outside Leicester Square Station in central London. The road has been chosen for it’s dangerously high levels of air pollution. Extinction Rebellion are demanding action from the next government, following this Thursday’s general election, on deadly levels of air pollution in the UK. The action is part of the Election Rebellion and seeks to place the climate and ecological emergency at the top of the agenda for all political parties. [1] Parallel actions are taking place in Manchester, Weymouth, Yeovil and York.

Bikes against Bulldozers: Extinction Rebellion head to Heathrow demanding promise to cancel third runway be kept
press@risingup.org.ukPhone: +44 7561098449 / +44 7482729729Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | New – Crowdfund the #ElectionRebellion!#ElectionRebellion #UpgradeDemocracy #ThreeDemandsBill Extinction Rebellion to take…

Breaking COP25: Extinction Rebellion occupies Zara on Madrid’s Gran Via – ‘Greenwashing is a COP out – Green words, toxic truths’
press@risingup.org.uk Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | COP25 Media Assets Around 30 Extinction Rebellion activists have today occupied Zara on Gran Via, with people glued…

Day 15: Hunger strikers begin third week with further meetings with political leaders
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: +44 7969 083 371 / +44 7459 055152 Facebook|Twitter|Instagram|Media Assets| New – Crowdfund the #ElectionRebellion! #ThreeDemandsBill #12DaysOfCrisis Five Extinction Rebellion activists continue…