Press - Extinction Rebellion UK


Health Professionals glue on outside Downing Street calling for an end to fossil fuels

June 11, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion

At 2.30pm today, 60 health professionals sat down in front of the gates outside Downing Street. Some members performed an unsuccessful ‘resuscitation’ of a 4 foot Earth on a stretcher. Following this 10 health professionals remained in front of the gates and ‘glued on’, whilst their colleagues held banners saying ‘For Health’s Sake Stop Financing Fossil Fuels’ and ‘Fossil Fuels are a Dead End’.

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Charity Status of Climate Denialism Group a Joke say Extinction Rebellion and Green Coalition

May 23, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion

This morning at 10am, a group of writers, scientists, activists and a baroness will gather in Tufton Street on the doorstep of the notorious climate-denial group The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). They will then proceed to the Charity Commission with an official complaint demanding that the group be stripped of its charity status and then filed the complaint with the Charity Commission.

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Extinction Rebellion disrupt Africa Oil Conference in Mayfair

May 17, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion

On Tuesday May 17 at around 8am, a coalition of groups including Extinction Rebellion Africa, Sustaining the Wild Coast, StopEACOP, Africans Rising, The Green Connection, Oceans Not Oil, Jubilee for Climate, and Greenpeace disrupted the Africa Energies Summit, a high-level conference attended by oil executives and African heads of state, who will also meet for "top-level networking".

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XR celebrate success of Lloyd’s Blockade as two insurers cut ties with Canadian pipeline

May 13, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion

On the 12th April 2022, more than 60 people from Extinction Rebellion blocked the entrances at Lloyd’s of London headquarters, preventing staff from entering the building. In the month since then it’s been announced that two insurers Aspen Insurance and Arch Insurance, both of which operate inside the Lloyd’s marketplace, have committed not to renew their insurance of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

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PICTURE STORY: XR experiments with new tactics during its Spring 2022 Rebellion – highlights with multimedia links

April 16, 2022 by Zoe Blackler

During its Spring Rebellion, XR has experimented with a decisive shift in tactics, with a move away from the use of large infrastructure and a renewed focus on people power and nonviolent civil resistance with innovative targeted actions including the shut-down of Lloyd’s of London, abseilers on Tower Bridge, and the infiltration of Shell

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