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Reparations Rebellion: Portrait of a Young Indian Activist

Work Inspired by Early Project to Protect Sal and Mango Trees We interview Sumana Nandi on the eve of the 2021 Reparations Rebellion event in Brixton August 1st, 2021. The Indian activist remembers taking part in Brixton’s first ever Reparations Rebellion March in 2014 . But her work began in Northeast India when Sumana…

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Afrikan Reparations Day: Portrait of an Activist from the Global South

Mawuse Yao Agorko from Ghana To coincide with the Pan Afrikan Reparations Rebellion ‘Groundings’ taking place on Sunday 1st August in Brixton and across the Global South, we are profiling the amazing and brave work of activists from the Global South. The  movement bringing these groups together is the XR Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN) and…

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Won’t You Help To Sing These Songs of Freedom?

Sunday 1st August Windrush Square Max Roach Park from 10AMJoin a host of incredible speakers at the ‘groundings’ in Brixton to celebrate Afrikan Emancipation Day and look to the future of the Global South bearing the brunt of the climate and ecological disaster. Speakers including XR’s Esther Standford Xosei and Kofi Mawuli Klu and Gail…

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Environmental Justice Commission invites citizens to the table

From its very beginning Extinction Rebellion’s Third Demand for a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice has called for the voices of citizens, people with different life experiences, to be party to decision making. Having brought it to the forefront, many have joined this call to revive democracy. A call…

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‘Judgement Validates a Toxic Ecocidal System’ in Brazilian Embassy Court Verdict

Three Rebels were today convicted of taking action at the Brazilian Embassy against the ecocidal and genocidal regime of President Bolsonaro. Possible sentences range from a community order to 18 months in prison.Judge Perrins ruled their defence of ‘necessity’ was inadmissible which left the group no defence under law. Beatrice Zappi Taylor, Lachland Sandford and…

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Rebel Back Better

The Impossible Rebellion begins on 23rd August. The theme is crisis talks. Since the government isn't stepping up to the plate, we are going to take the discussion to the streets.

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Can’t Stop Us Now: ‘Chilling’ Police Bill Won’t Stop Extinction Rebellion

You might not have noticed that the Government’s notorious Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill - which aims to curb our right to protest - went through a further stage of the House of Commons on Monday because the news was all about Boris Johnson and emerging from lock down. Priti Patel has been clear that Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter are the tar

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XR’s Third Jury Trial Collapses Due to Prosecution Error

The prosecution of five Extinction Rebellion members who took part in an action at the Shell HQ in August 2020 has collapsed. A jury trial was due to begin at Southwark Crown Court today for criminal damage and conspiracy to cause criminal damage. However, Judge Perrins this morning dismissed the case as the damage amounted…

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