Press release Archives - Page 31 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Extinction Rebellion to hold socially distanced protests across the UK demanding people have a choice over their future

30th May 12pm: This Saturday Extinction Rebellion will be outside Parliament calling on people across the UK to publicly express their dissatisfaction with Government incompetence and demand a Citizens Assembly on the Covid-19 recovery to decide our future together.[1] The challenge of addressing the coronavirus pandemic is inseparable from the climate and ecological emergency - both must be addressed in tandem if we are to secure a safe future for all.

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Extinction Rebellion put thousands of kid’s shoes in Trafalgar Square urging government to remember children during coronavirus recovery

In the early hours of this morning, Extinction Rebellion has covered London’s Trafalgar Square with nearly 2000 pairs of children’s shoes, with people holding a banner that reads ‘Covid today > Climate tomorrow > Act Now’. The installation urges the Government to act on the climate crisis during the coronavirus recovery to protect younger generations against the effects of an even deeper crisis that continues to intensify.

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16-17 May: Extinction Rebellion to create pop up bike lanes and say ‘No Going Back’ to busy, polluted streets as lockdown eases

This weekend Extinction Rebellion groups across the UK are inviting people to ‘Reclaim the Streets’ and join them in peaceful, physically distanced protest in their towns and cities. They are calling for the government to prioritise public health and well-being as the UK lockdown is eased and to invest in safer streets for walking and cycling.[1] Groups taking part include Islington, Lambeth, Hackney, Exeter, Staines and Manchester.

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BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion spray fake oil onto Barclays HQ calling on them to act responsibly and divest from fossil fuels

A small group from Extinction Rebellion have sprayed fake oil onto the Barclays headquarters in London’s Canary Wharf this morning with fire extinguishers. They came with a simple message, for Barclays to act responsibly and ‘Stop pouring billions into the fossil fuel economy’. The protest has taken place on the morning when Barclays shareholders will meet virtually for their annual general meeting (AGM).

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HS2 contractors prepare for destruction of ancient woodland and attempt to ‘starve-out’ protesters

Email: +44 7969 083 371Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | #ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow #Tellthetruth  #ReThinkHS2 #StopHS2 #StopEcocide #HS2evidence HS2 security guards and bailiffs are attempting to ‘starve out’ five environmental protectors who have been living in tree houses in a bid to prevent the non-essential and irreversible destruction of ancient woodland and…

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