Press release Archives - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Secret location for Extinction Rebellion’s mass occupation Upgrade Democracy revealed

Extinction Rebellion can reveal today that Windsor Great Park in Berkshire - one of the monarch’s many residencies - will be the location of a three-day mass occupation called 'Upgrade Democracy', which will take place from Friday 30 August to Sunday 1 September. Our occupation at Windsor will not be targeting a person, it will target our broken system to advance our Third Demand that "The Government must create and be led by a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice."

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Extinction Rebellion announces mass occupation as general election result called, declaring “we need to upgrade our democracy, not just change the government”

Extinction Rebellion has responded to the general election result by inviting people to join Upgrade Democracy - a three day mass occupation of a high-profile location from Friday 30 August to Sunday 1 September. As the result of the UK General Election is declared, our response is clear: it’s the system that needs to change, not the government.

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Restore Nature Now! Activists and environmental groups come together for largest march for nature ever seen

Email:  Phone: +44(0)7756136396  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Donate Media Assets – Will be coming through once march gets underway, roughly 14:00 Direct action groups and major nature charities stand side by side to demand immediate action to restore nature. Activists from Extinction Rebellion…

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Women who broke glass at JPMorgan sentenced after bank named top funder for fossil fuels

Just weeks after JPMorgan Chase was identified as by far the largest lender to fossil fuel companies in 2023, five women from Extinction Rebellion who “broke glass in case of climate emergency” at the bank’s European headquarters have been sentenced for what the bank claimed to be £306,000 worth of criminal damage. Meanwhile all defendants have lodged appeals and pressure mounts on Judge Silas Reid.

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UK public: Politicians not doing enough to protect our life support systems

As hundreds of thousands of people across the country prepare for what promises to be the biggest march to protect nature in a generation, new polling reveals that almost three-quarters of the public believe the government is failing to protect our country's nature, threatening our very life support systems and biodiversity.

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Extinction Rebellion responds to energy and arms lobbyist Lord Walney’s proposals to effectively ban protest groups which threaten his clients profits

Responding to the publication today of the report by energy and arms lobbyist Lord Walney, a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion said: “We are a movement committed to non violence. If the government can come for a group that works this hard at peaceful protest, they can come for anyone. The real extremists undermining our democracy are the fossil fuel companies that have been fighting climate action for 40 years, capturing our politicians and keeping us locked into a 3C pathway that is already causing widespread death and suffering and will lead to the loss of everything we love. And the government is complicit in this.”

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