Press release Archives - Page 30 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

BREAKING: We’re way off track! Extinction Rebellion send a message to the world at today’s Formula 1

Email: +447561 098449 Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Media Assets | Donate#WeWantToLive #ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow “Climate change is a serious threat: every one of us has the responsibility to protect our future and the future of the next generation,” – Lewis Hamilton Extinction Rebellion drop large banner reading ‘Act…

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Extinction Rebellion join Reparations Rebellion to lock-down Brixton and call for reparations and planet repairs ‘for our very survival’

From 7am on Saturday 1st of August Extinction Rebellion will join in support of the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations Rebellion Groundings to block Brixton Road from Max Roach Park to Windrush Square. The coalition of groups, including the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign, Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee, Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN), Rhodes Must Fall Oxford, and A Tribe Named Athari, will occupy the area for the day demanding holistic reparations, including planet repairs.

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‘Protest Repression – Made in England’: Extinction Rebellion join with allied groups to prevent access to arms factory

This morning, protesters from Extinction Rebellion, Women of Colour - Global Women’s Strike and Global Justice Rebellion have prevented access to an arms factory that produces equipment including tear gas and rubber bullets. The factory is owned by the PWD Group, which was part of Chemring Defence UK until June last year. A parallel protest is taking place in central London at the entrance to the Department for International Trade, the government department responsible for arms export licences.

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You can’t put a spin on physics – Extinction Rebellion UK Response to Rishi Sunak’s green jobs package.

We must be clear that this plan will not protect us and it demonstrates that although Rishi Sunak is capable of addressing an immediate crisis, he is unwilling to make the broad reaching, long term changes that are needed for planetary repair. Coronavirus has shown us that this government is willing to delay and cause the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of people. The numbers will be far larger if we let them get away with this one.

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Statement on Extinction Rebellion’s relationship with the police

The tactics of disruption and nonviolent civil disobedience are at the heart of everything Extinction Rebellion does. We have been told that these tactics and our interpretation of them have excluded black people, other communities racialised as non-white, and other marginalised groups, and contributed to narratives that have put those communities at risk.

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Today the Committee on Climate Change, the Government’s official climate advisors, released their report detailing what progress has been made one year on from the adoption of the target to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The report reveals a staggering lack of progress, with only four of the 21 indicators on track and two of 31 milestones reached on the road to net zero emissions.

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