Press release Archives - Page 28 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Can’t Bare the Truth? Extinction Rebellion call on Government to communicate the risks of a 4°C world

At 9:30am on 10 September a group of 30 women from Extinction Rebellion have locked-on to Parliament railings using D-locks around their necks, with a banner reading ‘Can’t Bare the Truth?’ and wearing face masks branded with ‘4°C’. Across their bare chests they have exposed the near-term consequences of a 4°C hotter world, including ‘war’, ‘drought’, ‘starvation’, ‘wild-fires’, ‘violence’ and ‘famine’.

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UPDATE: We do not have a free press

At 11am, the time they planned to end their blockade, the small group of protesters left blocking Broxbourne Printworks this morning have come down from the trucks and bamboo scaffolds and have been arrested. 48 people in total have been arrested at Broxbourne and many newspapers have been stalled from getting to their destination. Knowsley in Liverpool has been cleared with 21 arrests and the last few people taken away by police. The Glasgow blockade was cleared around midnight with no arrests.

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Quarter of English Football Stadiums ‘Unplayable’ by 2050 due to Climate Change

Commencing with a 1pm kick-off this Saturday, football fans and environmental activists host ‘pop-up’ football matches on the streets of London to raise awareness of the relationship between football and the climate crisis. This action is aimed at Barclays who invest more money into fossil fuel projects than any other European bank, whilst remaining the Official Banking Partner of the Premier League.

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Citizens Assemble – Roving Interactive Hive Invites Public to Experience Deliberative Democracy

Westminster’s not working. But for many of us it’s hard to imagine anything beyond our current political system. And yet, as the climate and ecological emergency worsens, the need to upgrade our democracy becomes ever more acute. That’s why Extinction Rebellion is demanding that the UK Government create and be led by a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.

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‘We’re not having it!’ Extinction Rebellion tell the Police STOP SUPPRESSING PEACEFUL PROTEST

Following the racist arrest of a young black bystander in Parliament Square, repeated arrests without warning in Parliament Square, threats of conspiracy charges made against two men pushing a boat named ‘Lightship GRETA’ after the teenage climate activist, from Brighton to London and the confiscation of a banner, Extinction Rebellion has put the Metropolitan Police on notice.

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