Press release Archives - Page 25 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Extinction Rebellion UK statement on events in Bristol yesterday

The tensions of the past week around the Police, Crimes, Sentencing and Courts Bill have evoked a visceral response around the UK from a public who feel powerless. What we saw in Bristol yesterday was the effect of the Government overplaying its hand and attempting to outlaw the basic right to protest, threatening peaceful protestors with 10 year sentences at a time when we are faced with numerous intersecting crises.

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#KillTheBill: Joint Statement on the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill From XR, BLM local groups, RAAH and more

This is an open statement written by a coalition of UK organisations, groups & social movements of all ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, sexualities, faiths, abilities, ages and social standings, who have united to challenge the UK government. We are extremely troubled and disturbed by the newly proposed Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill in its current form. The deliberately vague language used would enable the police to act unilaterally with near unlimited discretion.

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‘This isn’t working – it’s time to ask for help’ – Extinction Rebellion UK statement on the Budget

Today’s Budget announcement shows that below the surface of vague commitments to “low-carbon investment” the UK Government is continuing on the current course we have been warned is so dangerous. Not only will the government cut £1bn from net-zero spending intended to help insulate homes as part of the ‘Green Homes Grant’ scheme, they are also allowing airports to expand, new coal mines to be built and investment to flow from the UK’s banking and financial sector to new fossil fuel projects.

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THIS IS NOT WORKING: Extinction Rebellion statement on the UNFCCC report

In a week when we have heard from David Attenborough [2] and Boris Johnson [3] about the security risks of the climate crisis and the heightened possibility of war, there is no longer any argument that we urgently need change on an unprecedented scale. Yet the best world leaders have come up with are meagre pledges that get us nowhere near where we need to be.

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Is this what you call ‘world-leading’? Government applies to send climate lawyer to prison in the year UK to host UN climate summit

On Friday February 12 the UK government applied to send Tim Crosland - a lawyer and director of climate litigation charity Plan B, who has previously worked for various governmental organisations including the National Crime Agency - to prison for breaching the Supreme Court’s embargo on the judgement to allow the expansion of Heathrow airport. If convicted Tim could face up to two years in prison.

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Extinction Rebellion to UK Special Envoy for Countering Violent Extremism, John Woodcock – ‘Why not give us a call?’

With the government's response to the pandemic coming under fire, and Boris Johnson being mocked by leading global scientists and politicians over his decision to open a new coal mine during a climate emergency, it seems appropriate today to launch an enquiry into the deaths caused by this government's policies today and in the future, rather than investigating nonviolent protesters for extremism.

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