This is the official source for Extinction Rebellion UK news,
press releases, updates, images & videos.
Email: press@extinctionrebellion.uk
Phone: +44(0)7756136396

Celebrities backing Extinction Rebellion say ‘yes, we are all hypocrites’ in open letter to media
Email: press@risingup.org.uk Phone: +44(0) 7811 183633 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd Funder | What emergency? | Extinction Rebellion…

Tomorrow: The Rebellion Strikes Back
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7561098449 / +44(0)7479234522 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd Funder | What emergency? |…

Extinction Rebellion disrupt UKs Department for Transport – where is the plan to meet a net zero target and halt biodiversity loss??
Email: press@risingup.org.uk Phone: +44(0) 7811 183633 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd Funder | What emergency? | Extinction Rebellion…

Response to Metropolitan Police outlawing Extinction Rebellion protests in London
The Climate and Ecological Emergency isn’t going away and we remain resolute in facing it. We urge the Government and the authorities to join us in doing the same. We…

You Can’t Eat Money – Protest at BlackRock’s UK HQ, City of London
Phone: 07495 297625 Email: media.xrbristol@protonmail.com Extinction Rebellion (XR) calls on the world’s largest asset management company BlackRock to: Wake up and smell your role in funding the burning of the…

Extinction Rebellion Trials and Hearings this week (October 14th-18th)
37 Extinction Rebellion defendants are on trial this week Eight trials begin for Section 14 offences during the April Rebellion; One trial begins for criminal damage at Downing Street last November;…

Greta Thunberg ‘delivers’ the Emergency Queen’s Speech on the Houses of Parliament on eve of Queen’s Speech
Email: press@risingup.org.ukNational Office Phone: +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7561098449 / +44(0)7804743058 / +44(0)77391 86640 / +44(0)7479234522 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd…

Extinction Rebellion Target Institutions Funding Ecological Destruction in City of London
Extinction Rebellion this morning are disrupting the system bankrolling the environmental crisis. The day started at 7am at Bank Junction when they blocked routes that financial district workers take to work.

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Response to Mail on Sunday as 1000s come together for life on Earth
Good morning! Did the editors of the Mail, Sun and Telegraph go for drinks on Friday and decide to gang up on us? 😉 As week one of the Rebellion…

DAY 5: The Rebellion flows like water
Email: press@risingup.org.uk National Office Phone: +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7561098449 / +44(0)7804743058 / +44(0)77391 86640 / +44(0)7479234522 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets |…

Plan B highlights human rights abuses in policing of Extinction Rebellion
Email: press@risingup.org.uk National Office Phone: +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7561098449 / +44(0)7804743058 / +44(0)77391 86640 / +44(0)7479234522 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd…

DAY 4: Meet the humans of Extinction Rebellion
Email: press@risingup.org.uk National Office Phone: +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7561098449 / +44(0)7804743058 / +44(0)77391 86640 / +44(0)7479234522Numbers for local groups are at the bottom of this release Facebook | Twitter…