This is the official source for Extinction Rebellion UK news,
press releases, updates, images & videos.
Email: press@extinctionrebellion.uk
Phone: +44(0)7756136396

Local Rebellion: Why XR local groups, building experts, and councillors are joining voices to defend local powers
Extinction Rebellion activists are staging a creative demonstration on Thursday, February 6th, from 12-2pm, outside the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). This demonstration, which is expected to be attended by councillors and building experts, will include striking theatrical representations of central government holding local authorities back, such as a tug of war contest.

Extinction Rebellion – ‘COP26 is set up to fail, 2050 is too late’
This morning, Extinction Rebellion welcomed politicians and media as they arrived for the COP26 launch event at London’s Science Museum, where Boris Johnson and David Attenborough are in attendance. With banners saying ‘This is Change’, ‘ Tell the truth’, ‘Burning Earth’ and ‘Life or Death’, Extinction Rebellion stated: “We are here to tell politicians that 2050 is too late, that COP26 has been set up to fail, as have all previous COPs. Listen to the science, we are currently heading for a 4 degree C plus world, which is rapidly showing that it will be hostile to humanity.

Extinction Rebellion: We agree with LBC’s Nick Ferrari – ‘Enough is enough’
Nick, we get it. A good talk show needs a good topic to get listeners to tune in. [1] We see you, we have no doubt that Extinction Rebellion helps boost your ratings. If only you’d talk about the climate and ecological emergency a little, wouldn’t that be great?

HS2 tree felling increases: “Clear as much as you can, as quickly as you can”
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: +447969 083 371/ +44 7459 055152Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | #ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow #Tellthetruth #SaveColneValley #StopHS2 #StopEcocide #HS2evidence This weekend, Extinction…

‘Who knew what, when, why?’ – Extinction Rebellion on further revelations that ‘terror police list’ was shared across Government, NHS, Ofsted and 20 councils
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: +447479234522 / +447561098449Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets #ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow We are deeply disturbed by what clearly goes way beyond the…

Tomorrow: Sir David King to support Extinction Rebellion defendants at trial for London City Airport protest
For more information, copies of the expert witness statements or to arrange interviews with Sir David King, Jay Griffiths or the five London City Airport defendants, contact Zoe on 07918…

Extinction Rebellion UK – Thank you for having our backs
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: 07979971209 | 07482729729 | 07561098449Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | #ExtinctionRebellion Well that was getting a bit scary wasn’t it! One…

Extinction Rebellion comment on CCC’s Land Use report
Dagan James of XR Farmers said: “Radical and far reaching policies for farming need to be put in place urgently. The CCC report is moving in the right direction, but…

Extinction Rebellion comes to VAULT Festival as part of a packed programme of climate-related shows
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: 07731425077 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowdfunder#VAULTFestival #ExtinctionRebellion #CultureDeclaresEmergency #MusicDeclaresEmergency #ActNow #TellTheTruth VAULT Festival returns from Tue 28 Jan…

Extinction Rebellion welcomes Climate Assembly UK, but mourns its lack of urgency and agency.
Email: press@risingup.org.uk | Phone: 07979971209 | 07482729729 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | New – Crowdfund the #ElectionRebellion! #ExtinctionRebellion #UpgradeDemocracy #BeyondPolitics Friday…

Extinction Rebellion UK’s response to Rolling Stone story on radiation in the oil and gas industry
Email: press@risingup.org.ukPhone: 07561098449 / 07479234522 / 07802865819 / 07482729729Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowdfunder#ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow #TellTheTruth This news from Rolling…

Rebels mass to prevent tree felling
Extinction Rebellion activists have begun to mass in the Colne Valley, to prevent the felling of woodland planned by HS2 this weekend. The Rebels join longstanding activists from StopHS2 and Save Colne Valley to oppose the proposed operation. Hundreds of tree protectors are expected over the weekend, vowing to stop the trees from being chopped down, while adhering strictly to peaceful, non-violent principles and tactics.