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It’s Shell Out There

Summertime and rebels will be at the Science Museum from 2pm for family fun, dirty scrubbers and some serious context from the XR Scientists group.

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Rebel Daily 4: Bamboo, Blood and Buddhists

If two days’ worth of bumper actions doesn’t make you want to get out on the streets and jump around, we just don’t know what will  Introduction We’re five days into this Impossible Rebellion, and it’s going impossibly well. Slick site-takings, flawless logistics, disconcertingly supportive press attention, and a warm courageous energy that just…

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Rebel Daily 3: Courage Calls to Courage Everywhere

Catch up on all the action from yesterday, featuring more lock-ons, a ghoulish Mother Earth, and a very special award. Guess who’s back? As a brand new day of Impossible Rebellion breaks, let’s take a second to bathe in the afterglow of yesterday’s action. It was a day that burned bright with righteous anger and…

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Rebel Daily 2: Locking onto Planet Earth

Our second day of Rebellion saw the end of The Table, a confiscated planet earth, a major set of actions by XR Cymru and ongoing antics from our friends in Digital Rebellion. (To find out what’s going on this week, see the plan and join the Rebellion Broadcast Telegram group)  It’s the third…

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Rebel Daily 1: Let’s turn the tables

Impossible Rebellion:  Rebel Daily 1 Introduction As the Impossible Rebellion kicks off, rebels gather around a giant pink table and take action together. (To find out what’s going on this week, see the plan and join the Rebellion Broadcast Telegram group)  It’s been a thrilling, tiring, sobering and inspiring day – we can…

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Our Future on the Table

Thousands rush to rebellion following the IPCC report and extreme weather events. The rebellion crowdfunded has reached £300K and the weather looks good. Get set for an amazing rebellion!

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‘What are we waiting for?’: Why the IPCC report is a call to action

Yesterday’s 6th Assessment Report from the IPCC reiterated what we’ve known for a while: the climate crisis spells certain disaster. But it also provides more reason than ever before to join the two weeks of actions in London starting August 23rd, at which we will rebel to lessen the horrors to come.

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