Press release Archives - Page 44 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

The Rebellion Will Be Regenerative – Get ready for the largest regenerative movement of civil disobedience in history.

Email: Phone: +44(0)7747732995 /+44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7561098449 / +44(0)7804743058 / +44(0)77391 86640 / +44(0)7479234522 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd Funder  | New – What emergency? | Extinction Rebellion in Numbers |This Is Not A Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook. #EverybodyNow  #ExtinctionRebellion Thousands…

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Extinction Rebellion spray fake blood on Treasury using fire engine

Email: Phone: +44(0)7561098449 | +44(0)7756142621 | +44(0)7811183633 Facebook|Twitter|Instagram|Media Assets| Crowd Funder  | What emergency?| Extinction Rebellion in Numbers|This Is Not A Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook. #EverybodyNow #TheTimeIsNow #ExtinctionRebellion Extinction Rebellion activists use fire engine to spray 1,800 litres of fake blood over the front of the Treasury in LondonThe protest…

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We come in peace: Extinction Rebellion message to government and response to Met Police statement

Following the press conference given by the Met Police today Extinction Rebellion would like to remind the government that we are a peaceful movement made up of people from all walks of life, young and old, including doctors, teachers, lawyers, scientists, students, builders, electricians and even former police officers. Many are prepared to risk their liberty to stand up for the planet.

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UK’s Top Writers speak truth to power to highlight the Ecological and Climate Emergency

Email: +44(0)7561098449 | +44(0)7813479443 | +44(0)7800955385Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets#WritersRebel @XRWritersRebel ‘We really don’t have time to fanny around any more. We all need to get with the project and the project is Extinction Rebellion.’ – Irvine Welsh   Writers join Extinction Rebellion’s call…

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Euston, we have a problem. Chris Packham asks, ‘What planet is HS2 on?’

Email: Phone: +44(0)7969 083 371 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | Crowd Funder  Saturday 28 September, gathering from 1pm – One Eversholt Street, EustonChris Packham, Extinction Rebellion and members of, including The Woodland Trust, RSPB and Greenpeace create a forest outside HS2’s HQ Chris has legally…

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EXtRa! EXtRa! Read all about it! Extinction Rebellion is launching a newspaper! Get your Hourglass here!

Launching today is Extinction Rebellion-supported independent newspaper The HourglassPrinted on recycled paper with a distribution of over 110K papers, The Hourglass will be distributed around the UK by Rebels from Extinction Rebellion’s regional groups across the UK who believe in telling the truth through the pressAiming to reach people who are not necessarily on social…

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