Press release Archives - Page 26 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Activists use Barclaycards to make reparations on bank’s behalf in Money Rebellion’s #RepairHarm debt strike

Today, activists from Money Rebellion (a group within Extinction Rebellion) and Animal Rebellion have taken on credit card debt to pay reparations on behalf of Barclays, calling on the bank to cancel the debt and start repairing the harm they and the wider financial system are causing. Leading the action is GP Sarah Benn, who has made a video explaining why she is taking this action.

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‘We’re watching you!’ Extinction Rebellion international groups send warning to World leaders on eve of 5th Anniversary of Paris Agreement

On the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement, Extinction Rebellion groups around the world have come together to launch ‘COP26: We Are Watching You,’ a series of global synchronised projections with a warning to World leaders as the countdown to COP26 in Glasgow next year begins.

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‘The Government ain’t got this!’ Extinction Rebellion UK launches plan of Action for the New Year

The week the Paris Climate Agreement turns 5 years old, Extinction Rebellion released a new Action Strategy of nonviolent civil disobedience to begin building momentum again in 2021 as the countdown to COP26 begins. Acting as a framework for people to take their own action, as well as providing information for mass participation events when the opportunity arises again post lockdown measures, the strategy aims to put pressure on a government clearly out of its depth

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UK Government’s ‘Ambitious New Climate Target’ for an ‘Oven-Ready’ World

Many will herald today’s announcement as reason to celebrate how far we’ve come. But the reality is, these empty promises from a government totally out of its depth, are the very definition of greenwashing. With COP26 in Glasgow 12 months away, the UK Government is determined to reassure the world that they have everything in hand. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Extinction Rebellion stands by Donald Bell and all veterans who suffer from PTSD. We call on the Government to act now to prevent climate wars

“We will pay for this one way or another. We will pay to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions today, and we’ll take an economic hit of some kind. Or we will pay the price later in military terms. And that will involve human lives. There will be a human toll. There is no way out of this that doesn’t have real costs attached to it”

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‘Honour Their Sacrifice’: Extinction Rebellion Veteran Pays Respects at the Cenotaph with Banner Warning Climate Change Means War

Today at 8am, on Remembrance Day 2020, Extinction Rebellion hung a banner at the Cenotaph reading ‘Honour Their Sacrifice, Climate Change Means War’. After the banner was hung at the war memorial, British Army veteran and member of Extinction Rebellion, Donald Bell, paid his respects and observed two minutes silence. He then hung a wreath of poppies decorated with the words ‘climate change means war, act now’ on the Cenotaph.

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SHELL = GUILTY: Extinction Rebellion send Shell a message on 25th anniversary of Ogoni 9 murders

Outside Shell HQ on London’s Southbank this morning, Extinction Rebellion held an action in solidarity with those lost, sending a message to the oil titan that their actions must not be forgotten. A small group erected a protest tripod at the building’s entrance where a single person dressed as a Shell executive sat on top. A noose was hung from the tripod and had oil poured down it to symbolise the brutality of the murders.

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