Press release Archives - Page 34 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Extinction Rebellion UK launch new strategy: ‘In 2019 we demanded change. In 2020 we begin building the alternative’

Extinction Rebellion UK today launched its new strategy for 2020. The new strategy invites people to come and join together during this important year to face the climate and ecological emergency. Let’s be part of the greatest generation there has ever been, let’s create the new: ‘In 2019 we demanded change. In 2020 we begin building the alternative.’

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Extinction Rebellion Statement on today’s HS2 announcement

In giving the go-ahead for this vanity project that is so over-budget and environmentally destructive, the Government has not listened to the people. The public are crying out for better local transport. In making this spending choice, the Prime Minister has approved a bottomless financial sinkhole that will destroy much of what little remains of Britain’s precious woodland, wipe out countless endangered and protected species, be a vast new source of carbon emissions, and poison a quarter of London’s water-supply. All at great cost to taxpayers.

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Extinction Rebellion response to Counter Terrorism Police ‘Top Secret’ report – ‘Phew not terrorists again’

We all agree public safety is paramount, however if Counter Terrorism Policing is used as a blunt instrument it is a threat to human rights. It is ‘heartening’ to know that the Counter Terrorism Policing Operations Centre didn’t consider Extinction Rebellion a ‘terror group’ or ‘threat’ in February last year. Though this is most likely not the first assessment as we know there has been monitoring of Extinction Rebellion and the network it emerged from, Rising Up!, since its earliest days. [1]

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Local Rebellion: Why XR local groups, building experts, and councillors are joining voices to defend local powers

Extinction Rebellion activists are staging a creative demonstration on Thursday, February 6th, from 12-2pm, outside the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). This demonstration, which is expected to be attended by councillors and building experts, will include striking theatrical representations of central government holding local authorities back, such as a tug of war contest.

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Extinction Rebellion – ‘COP26 is set up to fail, 2050 is too late’

This morning, Extinction Rebellion welcomed politicians and media as they arrived for the COP26 launch event at London’s Science Museum, where Boris Johnson and David Attenborough are in attendance. With banners saying ‘This is Change’, ‘ Tell the truth’, ‘Burning Earth’ and ‘Life or Death’, Extinction Rebellion stated: “We are here to tell politicians that 2050 is too late, that COP26 has been set up to fail, as have all previous COPs. Listen to the science, we are currently heading for a 4 degree C plus world, which is rapidly showing that it will be hostile to humanity.

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HS2 tree felling increases: “Clear as much as you can, as quickly as you can”

Email: +447969 083 371/ +44 7459 055152Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | #ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow #Tellthetruth #SaveColneValley #StopHS2 #StopEcocide #HS2evidence  This weekend, Extinction Rebellion and StopHS2 come together again in Colne Valley, the green lungs of London, in an act of solidarity with camps along the planned line…

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