Press release Archives - Page 16 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH: Doctors for Extinction Rebellion block HM Treasury on World Health Day 

BREAKING: This morning at 7am on World Health Day, Doctors for Extinction Rebellion have blocked the road outside HM Treasury in London, calling for an end to the UK government's financial support for fossil fuels. Six of them locked onto oil barrels in the road, whilst others held banners saying ‘For Health’s Sake: Stop Financing Fossil Fuels’ and ‘Clean Energy, Less War”.

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BREAKING: Scientists and Academics throw fake oil over Shell HQ

This morning, scientists calling for radical change in the face of the climate and ecological crisis took nonviolent direct action at the London headquarters of Shell, as part of the world’s largest ever scientist-led civil disobedience campaign. The group used modified fire extinguishers to spray biodegradable fake oil on the building, as well as posting relevant scientific papers to the walls.

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Rev Sue Parfitt wins appeal against conviction for MOD protest

Email: press@extinctionrebellion.ukPhone: +447918165046 Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Media Assets | Donate#ExtinctionRebellion #XRTrials #RebelforLifeAn 80-year old vicar who sat in the road during a protest outside Britain’s largest military site today had her conviction quashed on appeal.A Bristol appeal court ruled that Rev Sue Parfitt had a “lawful excuse” for her peaceful protest and that her use of the…

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Statement on Canning Town Sentencing

Mark Øvland and James Mee were sentenced to 12 months community order, including 60 hours unpaid work, today for their part in the 2019 Canning Town train action.

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END THE FOSSIL FUEL ECONOMY: Extinction Rebellion releases plan to block UK oil refineries in April

Extinction Rebellion launched plans this morning to block major UK oil refineries in April as part of their Rebellion, beginning on April 9th. Although the exact locations are yet to be made public, the group says it intends to ‘stop the harm at the source’ and create enough disruption to force the UK government to commit to Extinction Rebellion’s immediate demand: to stop the fossil fuel economy. 

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