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Press release
Section: Press

Extinction Rebellion Statement on the announcement of the Government’s Integrated Policy Review


For the past 16 months we have been crying out for the Government to recalibrate the country's goals, overarching vision and tactics, to redefine our role and place in the world, in light of the Climate and Ecological Emergency which threatens our very existence...

Press release
Section: Press

Extinction Rebellion Faith Communities launch 40 Days of Action on Ash Wednesday: Enough Earth Destruction!


40 Days of Action will be launched on the 26th of February, Ash Wednesday, with a vigil outside Westminster Abbey starting at 2pm to align with Lent. Groups such as Christian Climate Action and Extinction Rebellion Faith Groups will be coming together to call on religious organisations to fully divest from fossil fuels by the end of Lent. Our over-attachment to oil is crucifying the poor and harming life beyond repair.

Press release
Section: Press

Extinction Rebellion join Parents 4 Future to say ‘Enough is Enough’ with collaborative march in London


This Saturday 22nd February, Extinction Rebellion UK and allied movements will march through Central London to say ‘Enough is Enough’ to inaction on the climate and ecological emergency. The march - held in collaboration with Parents 4 Future - is Extinction Rebellion’s first of many national protests in 2020 where they aim to work together with wider movements for change.

Press release
Section: Press

Extinction Rebellion response to Counter Terrorism Police ‘Top Secret’ report – ‘Phew not terrorists again’


We all agree public safety is paramount, however if Counter Terrorism Policing is used as a blunt instrument it is a threat to human rights. It is ‘heartening’ to know that the Counter Terrorism Policing Operations Centre didn’t consider Extinction Rebellion a ‘terror group’ or ‘threat’ in February last year. Though this is most likely not the first assessment as we know there has been monitoring of Extinction Rebellion and the network it emerged from, Rising Up!, since its earliest days. [1]

Press release
Section: Press

Tomorrow: Sir David King to support Extinction Rebellion defendants at trial for London City Airport protest


For more information, copies of the expert witness statements or to arrange interviews with Sir David King, Jay Griffiths or the five London City Airport defendants, contact Zoe on 07918 165 046. Former chief scientific adviser to the UK government to offer evidence for the defence at Extinction Rebellion trial…

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