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Press release
Section: Press

Extinction Rebellion Launches #MoneyRebellion: Fighting for Life through Financial Disobedience


Today, Extinction Rebellion launches Money Rebellion, [2] a new campaign using financial disobedience to expose the UK’s suicidal economic and financial system. Over the coming months, citizens will be redistributing debt owed to unethical banks as ‘donations’ to support those on the frontlines of environmental ruin.

Press release
Section: Press

Extinction Rebellion support Climate Assembly UK’s call for society to be better informed about the Climate and Ecological Crisis


Commissioned by six Select Committees of the House of Commons [3], the assembly was tasked to look at specific aspects of life and society and recommend how these could be adapted to reach zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Press release
Section: Press

Organised crime? Take a look at the man who has a monopoly on British media and the ear of our politicians


Civil disobedience is often celebrated in hindsight but it is rarely popular with the establishment in the moment. The Prime Minister’s suggestion that Extinction Rebellion should be reclassified as a serious crime organisation is ridiculous.

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