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Meidän veremme – Our blood

Elokapina (Extinction Rebellion Finland) organized a performative demonstration on Sunday the 30th of June in Helsinki’s Makasiinitori, on the threshold of Finland’s EU-presidency. The situation is severe, and both politicians and citizens have to wake up to its reality.

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Paris Action ‘Sur le Pont’

28 June 2019 – Protesters from Extinction Rebellion France, a civil disobedience movement that began in Britain, blocked traffic on the Pont de Sull. Guardian article here.

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Newsletter 24 Plus

This post serves as an overflow for some of the slightly longer contributions to XR’s fortnightly newsletter. Enjoy these further explorations of some thought-provoking actions and events. This time, it’s the Cannes Lions festival disruption, the Petroleo and Fueliet’ BP Screening action, RCA Fashion action, and the Natural History Museum…

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Newsletter 24: They fought like (nonviolent) Scotsmen

(You can sign up for this newsletter here) ‘I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving in.’ ― Rosa Parks Holyrood Rebel Camp in Scotland. Photo by Leda Bartolucci. Welcome to our 24th newsletter! This fortnight has been so jam-packed with action,…

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Extinction Rebellion Podcast Episode 4 – Looking Forwards

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Podomatic Live on all platforms NOW In our first episode since April’s International Rebellion, the Extinction Rebellion podcast discusses the future. Christiana Figueres was Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 2010 to 2016. The 2015 Paris Agreement was her most…

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Newsletter 23: Radiohead joins the Rebellion

(Sign up for this newsletter here) Welcome to our 23rd newsletter! Yes, you read that subject right. Faced with a ransom from hackers, the legendary rock band instead opted for rebellion, releasing 18 hours of unheard material in an album online and donating the proceeds to Extinction Rebellion. (!)…

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