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XR’s Wintry Pause to Welcome 2020

You’ve probably heard this is the time of year to pause. If you’re anything like me you might find this difficult. You might even not be pausing, just swapping one kind of busy-ness and pressure for another. This year has been hard. Next year will be hard. This is an opportunity for two weeks of…

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Newsletter 33: Good COP Bad COP

Dearest rebels, welcome to the last XR Newsletter of the year – and indeed, the decade. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you do. Whether you are a donor, volunteer, brave arrestable or quiet supporter, rest assured you are vital to the movement and XR would not exist without…

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XR Unchained 11

Austria 5 DEC | Vienna. “Keep it in the ground” action outside the headquarters of the OPEC oil cartel. Australia 14 DEC | Glenelg beach, Adelaide. Watch the video: “Dressed in suits and carrying briefcases we buried our heads in the sand at Glenelg to symbolise the Government’s refusal to confront the climate and…

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Contra la Extinción, Somos Rebelión! COP25

Raquel and Sergio stood with their hands glued to the inside of Zara’s display window kissing silently and smiling, with adrenaline, fear and love coursing between their lips. The cameras and curious eyes of hundreds of Christmas shoppers watched their intimacy from the other side of the glass, attracted by the rebels outside who were singing…

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2nd Progress Update: Restorative Process Regarding Roger Hallam’s Comments on The Holocaust

The restorative process for bringing accountability to Roger Hallam’s recent comments in Die Zeit and Der Spiegel concerning the Holocaust is ongoing and this is a progress update in the spirit of transparency and accountability. RESTORATIVE PROCESS At this stage, we are trying to create the possibility and pre-conditions for a Restorative Process to take…

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Three More Rebels Found Not Guilty as April Arrests Ruled Unlawful

Three more Extinction Rebellion protesters were acquitted yesterday after a second judge ruled that arrests made during the April rebellion were unlawful.  Caroline Vincent, 56, Clare Carlile, 24 and Jake Costello, 23, were on trial for breaching Section 14 of the Public Order Act while occupying Waterloo Bridge in April.  But the judge at City…

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