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Stop the hate action – Home Office, Marsham Street, London12 noon, Saturday 4 November 2023

Suella Braverman’s talk of a ‘hurricane’ of refugees coming into Britain has crossed a line. Through divisive language and actions, Braverman, the Home Secretary and Conservative MP for Fareham, has united communities to take to the streets and demand she steps down immediately #BravermanOut.  A collective of movements and organisations is united in their demands…

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Extinction Rebellion spoofs greenwashing PR Week Awards ceremony

Extinction Rebellion disrupt prestigious 2023 PR Week Awards with its colourful, alternative ‘Charred Earth’ awards, attacking the hypocrisy and ghastly greenwashing activities of the PR companies who hide their work with some of the world’s worst polluters and their funders.

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Standard Chartered: Can you see what you are doing?

A selection of images capturing scenes of environmental destruction, by renowned photographer Gideon Mendell, were displayed by climate protestors outside Standard Chartered's London office this week (9 October) to protest the Bank's sponsorship of the Royal Meteorological Society's Weather Photographer of the Year, while continuing to fund the development of fossil fuel projects.

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