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Extinction Rebellion Podcast Episode 8 – Global Justice is Climate Justice

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Podomatic Live on all platforms NOW Jessica and Marijn speak to Rosanna Wiseman and Cameron Joshi from Global Justice Now about colonialism, capitalism and making Extinction Rebellion more inclusive.  Plus, get a glimpse of what it’s like to be part of Extinction Rebellion globally with our…

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UK Newsletter #12: Livin’ La Vida Lockdown

(Sign up to the newsletter here) Dear rebels, We have entered our second week of lockdown, and the threat of coronavirus still overshadows so much of our lives. It would be easy to imagine a movement built on actions of mass civil disobedience to falter under such strained conditions and to slip into despondency.

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Rebel Radio Special: Truth About Zane

7-year-old Zane Gbangbola died after flood water carried the fatally toxic chemical hydrogen cyanide from a nearby landfill site into his home in Surrey. An MoD whistleblower revealed it, the government denies it. Plus, we hear from Lola Perrin – cofounder of XR artists on how Extinction Rebellion is supporting Zane’s parents, Kye and Nicole,…

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XRTV Interview: Chris Hedges

A live XRTV #alonetogether interview with Chris Hedges, American journalist and author on Coronavirus, Climate and What Next? Chris won the Pulitzer Prize while at the New York Times and has written a number of groundbreaking books on the crises we face.

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XRTV Interview: Micah White

On Coronavirus, Climate Breakdown and what this means for protest. A live #alonetogether conversation for XRTV with Micah White (co founder of Occupy Wall St) on what the Coronavirus means for social movements and how they can adapt to the pandemic.

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#AloneTogether – Regenerative Rebellion in the Time of Coronavirus

AloneTogether This is a world-changing moment. As coronavirus takes hold of our day to day lives, the way we organise and support each other will change. We will lose much we hold dear. This calls for an evolution – not a shelving – of our rebellion. This is a time to remember what we are…

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Inside Extinction Rebellion | KEO films

In 2019, Keo Films’ Tom Beard, Director, and Alice Henley, Producer, began following Extinction Rebellion in the run up to last year’s October Rebellion, with intimate access to our headquarters (and thoughts) both before, during and after the two-week London protests.

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Extinction Rebellion Podcast Episode 7 – “The Future We Choose”, with Christiana Figueres & Tom Rivett-Carnac

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Podomatic Live on all platforms NOW In this episode we’re talking to a world leader in the climate movement, Christiana Figueres. Christiana was the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 2010 to 2016 and is credited with securing the Paris…

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