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Illustrated Podcast: Claiming the Streets

To celebrate the April Anniversary, we have re-released this special commemorative podcast. Hear from the people who were there and feel as if you were too, with the experience enriched by photos from the Rebellion.

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Telling the Truth, A Year On

Jon Fuller, from XR's Media Tell the Truth team, on what has changed in the media's reporting of the climate and ecological crisis - and how far we still have to go.

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“I Am Not a Criminal”: Voices From the Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part One in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements.

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Make Your Own Paper Boat

A year ago today, XR's pink 'Tell the Truth' boat sailed into Oxford Circus. While we're all on lockdown, join us in celebrating that anniversary by making your own paper boat, a miniature memorial of the April Rebellion.

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Photo story: Oxford Circus – TELL THE TRUTH

The Oxford Circus site was one of vibrance, music, joy, laughter and resilience. Of course, everyone remembers the good ship ‘Tell the Truth’ - or Berta Cáceres, as she was officially named after the murdered Honduran activist - but there were so many other stories unravelling within that square that it would be impossible to tell them all. The images below capture some of the best bits of that extraordinary week. Enjoy!

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Tonight, 6.30pm: April Anniversary Livestream Special

To kick off our celebration of the April Rebellion, join us at 6.30 tonight for a webinar exploring how it all unfolded. With panelists George Monbiot (Guardian columnist), Zuhuru Plummer (illustrator and XR activist) and Jessica Townsend (author and XR podcast coordinator). Facilitated by Jamie Kelsey Fry.

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Global Newsletter # 38: Love & Rage in Times of Corona

Dear rebels, We hope you’re keeping well in these strange times. It’s been a difficult month for many of us, with Covid-19 dominating the global conversation.  Perhaps the most difficult aspect of C-19 is the struggle to live in this new world of distancing and isolation. It’s important to remember then, that we are in…

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