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Where do we find the courage to step up? 

Activism often appears to be the territory of an intrepid and rebellious minority, but what if we look at the challenges posed by the climate crisis as issues that demand care and responsibility? Who then is able to view the fight for a livable planet as their work? 

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Scientists glued at BEIS entrance

At 11am on Wednesday 13 April, a group of scientists pasted scientific papers and glued themselves across the entrance to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in an act of civil disobedience to highlight the clear scientific evidence that the UK Government is ignoring. This protest was organised by “Scientists for…

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Change is now: Support for civil resistance is growing

As the gravity of the climate crisis becomes more apparent, support for those who are putting their freedom on the line to speak up is growing. In this review of media commentary we look at some articles which have voiced support for the Rebellion over the last few weeks.

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Shell are climate criminals

Around 1:30 PM today (Wednesday 13 April) people started glueing themselves to points around Shell’s London HQ, including the welcome desk, despite the heavy presence of police officers at the location. Police are protecting the real criminals.

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We have closed Lloyd’s of London!

Today at 7 AM, a group of 60 people closed all the entrances to Lloyd’s of London’s building in the City of London. This is the first time XR has closed down a financial institution completely for a whole day.

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Fossil Fuels must end: Why we’re back and bigger than ever

Yesterday from 10am at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, Extinction Rebellion led in a disruptive display of people power onto the streets of central London to send a message to the government and their friends in the oil and gas industry: it’s time to end fossil fuels and we’re not leaving the streets until you do.

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Rebellion begins tomorrow. Will you step up?

When scientists and doctors are gluing themselves to oil company headquarters and being arrested en masse, we should take that as a warning sign, shouldn’t we? Well, that’s what’s happening and governments around the world are continuing to double down on fossil fuels. What on earth is going on?

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Extinction Rebellion UK statement on strike at Fawley Oil Refinery

Extinction Rebellion UK stands in solidarity with the 100 or more workers at Fawley Oil Refinery who will be taking strike action on 8th April. The strike is in response to the offer of a “pathetic” 2.5 per cent pay offer and a lack of company sick pay, despite Exxon’s profits in 2021 topping an eye-watering £6.75 billion.

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