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Youth Letter to UN

Extinction Rebellion Youth around the world have written a letter to the UN Secretary-General ahead of the NYC Climate Summit, with the demand that the UN declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency, ensure global commitment to net-zero carbon by 2025, and encourage the global creation of Citizens’ Assemblies…

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Extinction Rebellion to sound climate alarm at Labour Party Conference with lightship and alternative shipping forecast

Email: / Phone: +44(0)7951 788 855 +44(0)7811 183633 Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets Extinction Rebellion calls on Labour leadership to make climate and ecological emergency the number one issue at this year’s conference Lightship sounds an alternative shipping forecast warning of the future and denouncing government’s 2050 net-zero emissions target Event marks the start of a pop-up…

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Announcements #1: “What’s the point?”

Dear rebels, “What’s the point of me studying science, when all you do is ignore it?” “What’s the point of training to be an athlete, when I won’t have clean air to breathe?” “What’s the point of studying history, when all of humanity is heading towards becoming history?” See what…

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October 7th is coming: Get Ready for Rebellion

A Rebel in NYC climbed the 12+ storey Unisphere to hang a banner over Brazil on the map, highlighting the crisis in the Amazon. Dear rebels, As you may know, the international newsletter team is taking a break for a couple of issues to make sure we’re in top shape for the October Rebellion. However,…

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