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Press release
Section: Press

Global Hunger Strike Day 6: Meetings with three UK political parties confirmed


Email: Phone: +44 (0) 07969 083 371  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Media Assets | New – Crowdfund the #ElectionRebellion!  Extinction Rebellion activists around the world continue hunger strike to demand action on the Climate and Ecological Emergency Hunger strikers highlight the realities we…

Section: News

The International Rebellion continues – Statement following meeting with Michael Gove


Email: Phone: +447305700176, +447804743058, +447944894190; +447561098449; +447549766448; +447904735749; +447986671716; +447918165046; +447479234522 Website: Facebook: Twitter:  #ExtinctionRebellion Instagram: Photos/videos: NEW – What emergency?   The meeting showed why Extinction Rebellion protesters have been out on the street raising…

Press release
Section: Press

‘We’re setting off the global fire alarm’ XR and Money Rebellion smoke out Lloyd’s insurers for ensuring climate breakdown


Lloyd's of London was swathed in smoke and racked by sirens today as the giant insurers became the latest target of a hard-hitting national climate crisis campaign that has made headlines around the world. XR and Money Rebellion set off fire alarm sirens and black smoke flares outside the iconic Lloyd's of London HQ in London as executives and shareholders held their Annual General Meeting inside. Meanwhile activists from Coal Action Network, Mothers Rise Up and Eko bombarded staff phones with thousands of dropped calls to ‘sound the alarm’ to everyone inside their offices.

Press release
Section: Press

This bank is dirty! Extinction Rebellion calls out HSBC’s Greenwash at AGM in Birmingham


Around fifty protesters descended on HSBC’s annual general meeting to call out the bank’s shameful climate policies as the bank announces soaring quarterly profits of $12.9 billion. Protestors arrived with a bath of greenwash, while a group of ‘dirty scrubbers’ offered to clean up the bank’s soiled image in return for cash. Inside people unfurled banners, sang songs, enacted dramatic skits and repeatedly called out HSBC’s broken promises over its climate pledges. HSBC has invested $145bn in fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement in 2016 and the bank’s climate pledges have been revealed as greenwash by a series of damaging exposes.

Press release
Section: Press

Bankrolling our extinction: climate activists halt AGM of Barclays – Europe’s worst fossil fuel funder


A major bank funding our extinction by pouring billions of pounds into new fossil fuel projects was left in disarray today as activists linked to a huge new climate crisis coalition disrupted their Annual General Meeting headquarters in the City of London. The board of directors faced constant interruption and challenge making it almost impossible for the AGM to continue. When Barclays chairman Nigel Higgins tried to outline the bank’s own climate commitments, a protester shouted “bullshit.” A 70-strong Climate Choir sang a climate crisis version of the Spice Girls "Stop Right Now" to bank board members. Further disruption followed as Fossil Free London, enacted a Shakespearean condemnation of Barclays as being on the wrong side of history.

Press release
Section: Press

BREAKING: ‘End Fossil Fuels Now!’ Extinction Rebellion disrupt Barclays and Standard Chartered AGMs​​​​​​​


At 11 AM on Wednesday May 4th, Members of Extinction Rebellion, and sister movement Money Rebellion, disrupted the annual general meetings of Barclays and Standard Chartered, demanding both banks stop financing fossil fuels.

Press release
Section: Press

‘End Fossil Fuels Now!’ Extinction Rebellion disrupts HSBC AGM


At around 11:30 AM on Friday April 29 members Money Rebellion, a group within Extinction Rebellion specifically targeting financial institutions, disrupted HSBC’s Annual General Meeting in central London to demand that the banking and financial services giant stop investing in new fossil fuel projects immediately.

Press release
Section: Press

BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion spray fake oil onto Barclays HQ calling on them to act responsibly and divest from fossil fuels


A small group from Extinction Rebellion have sprayed fake oil onto the Barclays headquarters in London’s Canary Wharf this morning with fire extinguishers. They came with a simple message, for Barclays to act responsibly and ‘Stop pouring billions into the fossil fuel economy’. The protest has taken place on the morning when Barclays shareholders will meet virtually for their annual general meeting (AGM).

Press release
Section: Press

‘This bank is dirtier than ever!’ Extinction Rebellion disrupts Lloyds’ AGM over shocking increase in funding for fossil fuel madness


A wave of disruptive XR actions against the dirty banks funding the accelerating climate crisis gathered further momentum as the AGM of Lloyds Banking Group in Glasgow was disrupted by protestors today. The bank increased fossil fuel funding by $500 million in 2022 compared to 2021. Four protesters repeatedly interrupted chairman Robin Budenberg as soon as he took to this feet to make his opening speech. When the first one was removed by security, a second one stood up to intervene. In a series of speeches they demanded that the bank and Bundenberg lead the UK's financial services industry out of fossil fuel funding immediately, completely and for good.

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