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Newsletter 27: Global XR Actions

Hell hath no fury like a bank swarmed 25 JUL | Lausanne, Switzerland XR Switzerland saw its first arrests after a hefty police response to an action outside a bank in the city of Lausanne. Around fifty rebels swarmed the road outside the Crédit Suisse HQ, whose heavy fossil fuel investments make it the country’s…

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Rebel Yoga in Helsinki

Extinction Rebellion Finland brought yoga to Hakaniemi bridge in Helsinki in the form of a road block. With the action we wanted to bring attention to the climate crisis that demands radical action. We yoga to bring space for a new culture that appreciates the well-being of humans and the whole world.

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Newsletter 26: Take an ice-cold sip of Rebellion

(You can sign up to the newsletter here) Rebels in London trying to change how the media covers heatwaves Welcome to our 26th newsletter! The heat just keeps on rising. This week has seen record-breaking temperatures in the UK , across mainland Europe and North America, and “unprecedented” wildfires…

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