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XR Global Hunger Strike Starts

14 November, 2019 – Extinction Rebellion UK hand delivered letters to each political party, requesting a filmed meeting with party leaders to ask for their support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, the #ThreeDemandsBill…

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Roger Hallam | Hypocrisy

Filmed in Bristol 14 Nov 2019 “The bottom line is, everyone is sort of complicit, you can’t live your life without participating in the destruction of the next generation, and that makes everyone uncomfortable”…

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Act Now: Our House is Flooding

Extinction Rebellion activists staged an action on the river Thames in London. A classic suburban house was seen floating down the river sinking into the water in yet another attempt to send an SOS to the government on climate inaction and draw attention to the threat humans face from climate change and rising sea levels.

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Every Single Being on the Planet

Fifty people, aged 7 to 70, converged on a beach in North West England to create a 110m diameter representation, of the ‘Extinction Rebellion Symbol’ to highlight the need for urgent action on climate change and biodiversity loss.

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Extinction Rebellion wins landmark legal challenge to Met Police ban on peaceful protest

The High Court today ruled that the Metropolitan Police’s blanket ban on Extinction Rebellion protest during the October Rebellion was unlawful, in a landmark judgment that reasserts the fundamental right to peaceful protest. The ruling follows a judicial review – brought on behalf of Extinction Rebellion by Baroness Jenny Jones, Caroline Lucas, Clive Lewis, David…

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Newsletter 31 – A Season of Change

(Sign up to the International Newsletter here) There’s change in the air. This change takes many shapes. Indians can see it with their eyes and feel it with their lungs. For many others, from Romania to indigenous land in Brazil it appears as an absence: of trees, of food, of loved ones. Sri…

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Governments – Where is your plan?

As General Election season begins, and to mark six months since the UK Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Emergency, we are calling for everyone to demand their governments’ plan to address the crisis… #WhereIsYourPlan…

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Episode 6 – Writers Rebel, with Margaret Atwood

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Podomatic Live on all platforms NOW This is the Writers’ Rebellion: Are You Here For This? The Extinction Rebellion Podcast is back to normal length; with an episode perfect to kick back to during the post rebellion regenerative period. It features a feast of stories and…

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When you search the words ‘climate change’ online, the images are of melting glaciers, polar bears stranded on sea ice, disturbing graphics of an Earth on fire, and fossil fuel power stations. These images have come to represent climate change, but where are all the people? Imagery and videos are a huge part of…

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