News - Extinction Rebellion UK

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Our energy bills are torching the planet

Activists from Extinction Rebellion North and Axe Drax staged a banner-burning action on the day that tree-burning power station Drax announced earnings of over one billion pounds in 2024. The action called for an end to public money to burning trees for electricity. The action came the day after the Climate Change Committee…

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XRUK Strategy 2025-26

As XRUK has evolved, so has our ability to dedicate time and energy to the depth of thought and work that the movement needs and deserves in its strategy. This strategy is rooted in research and evidence, built on the reality of what this movement is at this time – not what it used to…

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It’s 2025… now what?

Lack of action is a death sentence for millions of people, including people right here in the UK. XRUK on 2025, at a glance: Yes it’s 2025, no we are not backing down Yes, we were right to call for net zero by 2025 as per our Second Demand – the evidence is everywhere…

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Insure Our Survival – how the week unfolded

As climate floods in Spain claimed hundreds of lives, thousands of us demanded insurers stop enabling the industries that are destroying our world. Our week of action against the insurance industry starting 28 October 2024 was part of an ongoing international campaign which is forcing the sector to pull the plug on the fossil fuel…

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News from the Strategy Team

How on earth do you do strategy in a decentralised mass movement?  Extinction Rebellion UK has grappled with this question since we began. Over the years strategy has been designed in a number of ways, with varying degrees of success. Each iteration has been an opportunity for reflection and learning.  Learning from our experience and…

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Upgrade Democracy – A democracy bootcamp in Windsor

The three days in Windsor signalled things to come from XR UK, with a heavy focus on our failing political system and an urgent need to create a system that is inclusive, fair, and long-term. The weekend in Windsor may be done, but our work to Upgrade Democracy is far from over!

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XRUK statement on the riots

The rioting and looting scarring our streets and terrorising some of our most vulnerable communities has shocked us all to the core. Extinction Rebellion UK is devastated by these callous acts of violence and we are all left fearful for the wellbeing and safety of our friends.     XRUK stands in solidarity with all people affected…

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