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Insurance actions around the UK

Round up of actions targeting the insurance companies during XR's Insurance Week of Actions. Reaching out to the insurance industry to stop insuring fossil fuels. From Brighton to Leicester, Bristol to Glasgow, Chipping Norton to Bridgend.

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Greta Thunberg: We won’t let the rich sacrifice people and planet for their extreme lifestyles

Climate activist Greta Thunberg joined local residents, Extinction Rebellion activists and climate change campaigners outside Farnborough Airport today (27 January) to protest against plans to increase private jet flights from 50,000 to 70,000 a year. The protesters are also calling for a total ban on private jets, which are up to 30 times more polluting than passenger airliners.

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The Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill

What is the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill (OPLB)? If passed, the bill would commit the UK to inviting applications every year for new offshore oil and gas production licences in the North Sea.

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Didsbury community assembly, September 2023

XR groups together with other local organisations, charities and community groups in the Greater Manchester area organised the first community assembly in Didsbury to consider the state of the river Mersey.

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