News - Page 56 of 93 - Extinction Rebellion UK

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Zoe Jones: Our Legal System is Failing to Protect Us

Mitigation statement delivered by Zoe Jones, 23, a charity worker from Bristol, when she pleaded guilty in October to breaching Section 14 of the Public Order Act during the April Rebellion. “I come here today in the interest of transparency and truth. Truthfully, I was a complete nerd at school. I loved to learn,…

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Rebel Who Glued On in Court Sent to Prison

Melanie Edwards, a carer from South Wales, has been sentenced to seven days in prison for glueing herself on in court during her own trial.  She was found guilty of contempt of court and is serving out her sentence at Bronzefield Prison in Ashford, becoming the first Extinction Rebellion protestor to receive a custodial sentence. …

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UK Newsletter #5: Speak up and be Heard

Dearest rebels, winter is almost upon us. The nights are drawing in, the frost is rising, and a general election is looming. To some, this is an exciting chance for change. To others it’s merely another sign of the chaos and state of flux of this country (and to a greater extent, the world.)…

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XR Global Hunger Strike Starts

14 November, 2019 – Extinction Rebellion UK hand delivered letters to each political party, requesting a filmed meeting with party leaders to ask for their support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, the #ThreeDemandsBill…

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Roger Hallam | Hypocrisy

Filmed in Bristol 14 Nov 2019 “The bottom line is, everyone is sort of complicit, you can’t live your life without participating in the destruction of the next generation, and that makes everyone uncomfortable”…

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Act Now: Our House is Flooding

Extinction Rebellion activists staged an action on the river Thames in London. A classic suburban house was seen floating down the river sinking into the water in yet another attempt to send an SOS to the government on climate inaction and draw attention to the threat humans face from climate change and rising sea levels.

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Every Single Being on the Planet

Fifty people, aged 7 to 70, converged on a beach in North West England to create a 110m diameter representation, of the ‘Extinction Rebellion Symbol’ to highlight the need for urgent action on climate change and biodiversity loss.

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