News - Page 35 of 93 - Extinction Rebellion UK

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Act Now: XR’s Second Demand, a Year On

Although the government now accepts there is a climate and ecological emergency it still refuses to take radical action. It's a political choice, as recent events have proved. By Sarah Lunnon of XR's Political Circle

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The Only Thing Left to Try: Voices From the Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part Five in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements

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The Government Has Failed Us: Voices from The Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part Four in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements.

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Photo Story: Parliament Square – BEYOND POLITICS

The battle for Parliament Square was not won and lost overnight. As dedicated rebels were eventually cleared from roadblocks and traffic would be opened up again, a rescue party in the form of bikes, samba bands or extinction marches would swoop in and shut it down again shortly after in a dramatic turn of events.

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We Act in Peace: Voices From the Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part Three in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements.

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