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UK Newsletter 18: Just one day to go! Get Ready for This!

(Sign up to receive the newsletter here) Dear rebels, It is all happening this weekend!! All across the country, action plans are being fine-tuned, props are getting a final layer of garish paint and the final zoom calls are reaching their check-outs full of excited anticipation.  Rebels in their local and regional groups are…

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Stephen Fry | Writers Rebel

Stephen Fry has called for people to stand up and support the Extinction Rebellion group Writers Rebel as they launch new action targeting lobby groups, think tanks, and climate science deniers.

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Global Newsletter #42: Gluttons for Change

(Sign up to the Newsletter here) Dear rebels, Everyday we move closer and closer to a state of irreversible climate chaos, ridden with sickness, greed and desperation. Or – we can choose to move toward global societal change and a world we want to live in. The choice is ours. Don’t feed the system, feed…

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XR Unchained 17

23 JUL | Bangladesh Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future activists call for solidarity. “Bangladesh is drowning under flood water. Will the world stay silent? We care for the environment, we care for our existence.” 10 AUG – Adelaide, Australia Extinction Rebellion activists chained themselves together in the foyer of Australian energy company Santos…

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XR Working Class | Resilient Communities

We are a group of working class people from across the UK, who want to see the presence of more working class people in XR. This means them feeling valued and listened to, involving them in decision making positions in XR groups, as well as being involved in actions.

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