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Rebel Daily 4: Don’t read the news, be the news

(Sign up to the newsletter here) Dear rebels, Welcome to Rebel Daily #4 – some of the only news available today! A team of over 100 rebels blockaded newspaper printers overnight, successfully preventing The Sun, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and Times from reaching newsstands all over the country.

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XR Unchained: Rebellion Day 3

SEP 3 | Lambeth Bridge, London Photos: Crispin Hughes Lambeth Bridge lock-ons. Video of bridge party. And another video SEP 3 | Monopoly Board, West End, London   Photo: Crispin Hughes Monopoly Board Protest – West end. Road block in front of a sports car. “This is Change” SEP 3 | Truck of Truth,…

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Rebel Daily 2: If the trees die, so do we

(Sign up to the Newsletter here) On the first day, we found our feet and planted them in our public spaces. On the second day, we really got down to business. Rebels moved like water to target specific sites of ecocidal atrocity. Manchester rebels expressed their outrage…

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