Press release Archives - Page 12 of 60 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Press release

Extinction Rebellion vs Barclays: Crown Court trial begins Tuesday

Seven women charged with just over £114k worth of criminal damage at Barclays HQ in Canary Wharf in April 2021 are due to appear at Southwark Crown Court for a jury trial beginning on Tuesday November 22nd. If found guilty the women face potential sentences of up to four years in prison.

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BREAKING: Court finds Doctors for XR not guilty for Lambeth Bridge blockade

Seven health professionals have been acquitted at City of London magistrates’ court today. Dr David McKelvey, Dr Chris Newman, Dr Mark Russell and Dr Patrick Hart - all GPs, Dr Alice Clack - a hospital consultant obstetrician, Rosie Jones - a clinical psychologist and Anna Bunten - a specialist nurse, faced a charge of ‘breach of section 14’ of the public order act. Judge Robinson remarked on acquittal “I was impressed by the integrity and rationality of their beliefs” and “their evidence was highly moving.”

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Extinction Rebellion UK statement on COP27

Extinction Rebellion will not attend COP27 in Egypt, nor protest against it. To give airtime to a summit that has monumentally failed humanity and all the living world for 26 years gives the COP process undeserved credence and carries on the charade. 

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XR UK statement on the Public Order Bill

The Public Order Bill is the work of a government that needs more graft. By suppressing the voices of scientists and everyday people that make up the climate movement the government has chosen to try and make the problem go away. But they’re playing a losing game. 

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XR Families screen ‘LETTERS TO OUR CHILDREN’ film in one-off open air cinema event

‘Letters To Our Children’, a powerful and emotional new five minute video from Extinction Rebellion Families shows parents' confessions of fear and hope to their children as the climate and ecological crisis intensifies. The mobile pop-up screening taking place on Saturday 15th October will stop at several locations along the Southbank, starting at dusk at the Tate Modern and ending next to the iconic London Eye.

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