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Trees of the Rebellion: Garden Bridge

Back in April, trees and plants of all shapes and sizes were transported to The Garden Bridge (Waterloo) for the week of International Rebellion. Their presence helped transform the bridge into the “friendly, vibrant and verdant” oasis it became for the thousands of rebels and visitors to the bridge. The original trees were…

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XR’s Position on Local/Regional Citizens’ Assemblies

It is heartening to see deliberative democracy taking root across the UK with places such as Oxford and Cambridge committing to citizens’ assemblies; a principle and practice we hope will flourish across the country—and world—as it is integral to changing the system that has brought us to the edge of extinction. A citizens’…

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Newsletter 22 – Get ready for a Civil Summer!

A human artwork from XR France Welcome to our 22nd newsletter! This week saw some inspiring non-XR actions from the Youth Climate Strike and Greenpeace, and there are more to come, with exciting plans shaping up from Ende G and the Vienna climate camp. These actions are met by XR…

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