‘If not you, then who? If not now, then when?’ Global Climate Strike India
This timely, moving and XR aligned call to action rebroadcast courtesy of Jhatkaa. https://jhatkaa.org/
Read full postThis timely, moving and XR aligned call to action rebroadcast courtesy of Jhatkaa. https://jhatkaa.org/
Read full postFilmed in London, September 2019 by Jamie Lowe…
Read full postA Rebel in NYC climbed the 12+ storey Unisphere to hang a banner over Brazil on the map, highlighting the crisis in the Amazon. Dear rebels, As you may know, the international newsletter team is taking a break for a couple of issues to make sure we’re in top shape for the October Rebellion. However,…
Read full postWe’ve come to the end of our four-day Northern Rebellion. What an extraordinary experience. My first time at anything like this. These are some of my personal recollections from those four days. Now, almost immediately we are into the preparation for International Rebellion London. We occupied one of Manchester’s most polluted roads and shopping streets…
Read full postWritten by susieq From a gentle sloping valley in Charente, the sweet sound of peaceful rebels filled the air, a magic flute, gentle guitars and the unifying force of collective song. As I lay in my tent listening I was filled with a sense of hope. The XR France summer camp (17-25 August) was…
Read full postVideo courtesy of Breaking Convention…
Read full postOver a year has passed since Greta Thunberg began striking from school for the lack of governmental action on the climate crisis. In that time, different groups have mobilised 1.6 million students across the world to strike for the same cause. #FridaysForFutures has become a globally active movement, bringing a powerful youth energy to the…
Read full posthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct-EDG7yWMg It’s time to act. Become active in the fight against climate collapse and mass extinction. Today, otherwise there is no tomorrow.
Read full postBroadcast on the BBC [02.09.2019]…
Read full postZion Lights, long time environmental activist, author and science communicator shares her views with well known BBC TV presenter Phillipa Thomas and other guests in this lively discussion on the topic of "Does Protest Work". Video (aired August 2019) courtesy of BBC World News.
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