Former UK police officers share their views on XR and the climate crisis
Why did a police officer get himself arrested? And what do the police really think about Extinction Rebellion? Film by @RubberRepublic…
Watch videoWhy did a police officer get himself arrested? And what do the police really think about Extinction Rebellion? Film by @RubberRepublic…
Watch videoHeydon Prowse is a British activist, journalist, satirist, director and comedian. He is best known for writing and performing in BBC Three’s Bafta-winning The Revolution Will Be Televised alongside Jolyon Rubinstein.
Watch videoXR Conflict Resilience System. More info here.
Watch videoTo Governments of the world, this is the moment of truth. You are not doing enough. To everybody else, rebel!…
Watch videoBadass Grandpa Strikes Back! Phil Kingston (now 83) engages in high stakes protesting on behalf of the planet’s future, armed with just a peanut butter sandwich. Film by @RubberRepublic.
Watch video‘You can’t negotiate with Science. You can’t wish away the laws of thermodynamics. The science tells us the limits within which we ought to live.’…
Watch video‘Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up and change is coming… whether you like it or not.’ Greta Thunberg…
Watch video“Personally, I don’t want to leave this planet knowing that I did nothing to address the undeniable climate emergency and ecological crisis that engulfs us all… or threatens to.”Michael C. Hall is an American actor , best known for his roles as Dexter Morgan in the Showtime series “Dexter” and as David Fisher in…
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