News Archives - Page 7 of 13 - Extinction Rebellion UK


Unite to Win: A groundbreaking coalition of groups to join ‘The Big One’

On the day that the IPCC issued its "survival guide for humanity" Extinction Rebellion revealed the first tranche of organisations that have committed to joining us outside parliament in April. The groups include trades unions as well as national organisations campaigning on the environment, international development, peace, social justice and defending our public services.

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Church of England clergy lead Christian Climate Action in Ash Wednesday call to cut the ties with West Cumbria coal mine

Today vicars and other Christians protested outside the Leeds, Manchester and Newcastle offices of Ward Hadaway, lawyers for West Cumbria Mining Limited, and the London headquarters of Javelin Global Commodities, which has an exclusive marketing and offtake agreement with West Cumbria Mining. They are calling on both companies to “cut the ties” with the proposed new coal mine in Cumbria.

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Four Scientists for XR vindicated by Crown Court following appeal

PRESS RELEASE Email: press@extinctionrebellion.ukPhone: +44(0)7756136396 / +44(0)7561098449Photography: Neal Haddaway | Link to more photos Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Media Assets | Donate #XRScientists #ExtinctionRebellion Today four Scientists for Extinction Rebellion won their appeal in Southwark Crown Court after being found guilty last August on a charge of criminal…

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Public figures speak up for protesters in prison

Brian Eno, David Gilmour, Nick Hornby, A L Kennedy, Robert Macfarlane, Ben Okri, Chris Packham, Helen Pankhurst, Miranda Richardson, Sir Simon Schama, Kamila Shamsie, Lemn Sissay, Ali Smith, Juliet Stevenson and Dame Emma Thompson are among those who have signed a letter which begins: ‘We are writing in solidarity with all those in the UK who have recently been imprisoned for taking part in nonviolent protests.’

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As we ring in the new year, we make a controversial resolution to temporarily shift away from public disruption as a primary tactic. We recognise and celebrate the power of disruption to raise the alarm and believe that constantly evolving tactics is a necessary approach.

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XR UK statement on the Public Order Bill

The Public Order Bill is the work of a government that needs more graft. By suppressing the voices of scientists and everyday people that make up the climate movement the government has chosen to try and make the problem go away. But they’re playing a losing game. 

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Open Letter to Liz Truss on ‘Anti Growth’ – XR co-founder, Gail Bradbrook

In your recent speech at the Conservative party conference you mentioned growth 29 times; said "I will not allow the anti-growth coalition to hold us back” and named Extinction Rebellion as part of this coalition. Thank you for opening up this critical conversation. We appreciate the opportunity to share our understanding and we hope many others will join us for a grown up conversation in these urgent times.

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