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XR UK statement on the Public Order Bill

The Public Order Bill is the work of a government that needs more graft. By suppressing the voices of scientists and everyday people that make up the climate movement the government has chosen to try and make the problem go away. But they’re playing a losing game. 

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Open Letter to Liz Truss on ‘Anti Growth’ – XR co-founder, Gail Bradbrook

In your recent speech at the Conservative party conference you mentioned growth 29 times; said "I will not allow the anti-growth coalition to hold us back” and named Extinction Rebellion as part of this coalition. Thank you for opening up this critical conversation. We appreciate the opportunity to share our understanding and we hope many others will join us for a grown up conversation in these urgent times.

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OCTOBER 14-16 – Join the Weekend of Resistance

We are working on a plan that sees Extinction Rebellion growing in numbers and building momentum towards Spring 2023. On October 14-16 will be the next step in that journey. We will come together in London for a long weekend of action, outreach, music, talks and trainings, and loads more. 

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Change is Now Tour!

Join the Change is Now Tour in your town or city from September 20th – October 13th! On Tuesday Sept 20th, we will launch our fleet of rebellion buses which will travel the length and breadth of the UK, visiting local groups to celebrate their work, offering tools and resources in mobilisation and Citizen’s Assemblies, and…

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