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Standard Chartered: Can you see what you are doing?

A selection of images capturing scenes of environmental destruction, by renowned photographer Gideon Mendell, were displayed by climate protestors outside Standard Chartered's London office this week (9 October) to protest the Bank's sponsorship of the Royal Meteorological Society's Weather Photographer of the Year, while continuing to fund the development of fossil fuel projects.

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XR scientist walking for climate change… in a mask and snorkel

West Norfolk resident and climate activist Dr Charlie Gardner is setting off on Sunday (24 September) to walk 180 miles from Cambridge to Norwich… almost entirely on land that is threatened by rising sea levels. The walk, which will last 15 days, to the 8 October, will take Dr Gardner from Cambridge through the Fens…

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Update to the movement, summer 2023

Dear Rebels, It’s been a few months since we all came together for The Big One in Westminster. We certainly haven’t been sitting still since then, and exciting things are in the making! We’ve forged alliances and friendships with other movements, organisations and groups, and are looking to build more connections with our community assemblies…

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Housing Rebellion Day Of Action: HOUSING FOR NEED – NOT GREED!

Housing and Climate Campaigners across the country will be gathering for a national day of action to highlight how the broken housing system in the UK is linked to the deepening climate crisis.  Groups from Glasgow to Cornwall and Birmingham to London will be gathering for marches and rallies, demanding an end to the injustice, environmental destruction and greed that together fuel our housing crisis. 

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High Tide for Coal Crime: Extinction Rebellion’s Pink Boat Drops Anchor on UK’s Biggest Illegal Mine

XR's world-famous pink boat sailed back into action today and shut down the UK's largest coal mine. The mine company has been operating illegally since September when its licence expired. 300,000 tonnes of coal would have been mined by the end of May without any attempt to stop it, at a cost to the climate of almost a million tonnes of CO2. A number of activists locked themselves to the boat despite facing the threat of up to 51 weeks in jail. The occupation is ongoing and activists are encouraging people to join them on Saturday as part of the March On The Mine event.

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Extinction Rebellion Strategy 2023-2024: Here comes everyone

Extinction Rebellion has successfully shifted public opinion on the climate and ecological emergency in the last four years, but we know that transforming the political system, social culture, and economy is necessary for a sustainable and equitable future. The Big One was the start of this strategy, but as we move into the summer and…

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This morning, Extinction Rebellion and new allies from almost 200 leading environmental and social justice groups delivered two fresh demands to the government during a press conference - and set a deadline of seven days for Ministers to enter into negotiations about how they will plan to deliver them.

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