Part furniture factory, part creative space – it’s a new, vibrant, shared, safe space for anyone preparing for The Big One to make things, make friends and make movements. During The Big One, it will be hosting evening talks, training and social space.
Patchworks – 260 Church Road, E10 7JQ. View on Google Maps. What3Words: ///regime.status.fired
Open to everyone from the 17th to 28th April, operating as a preparation and production base supporting The Big One with logistics and coordination.
It’s a fantastic networking space to forge connections between supporters and community groups.
A line up of activities will take place before, during and after The Big One – both supporting and complementing the delivery of the overall event – and providing a space to return to after the days are done – storage, socialising, reflecting and preparing once more.
- Evening events & socialising
- Talks & Trainings
- Art workshops
- … and more
This is an EVERYONE space. #UniteToSurvive
Information is correct at time of publication and may change. Please check back for updates or follow the Rebellion Broadcast on Telegram. More is being added all the time, keep an ear out for exciting things!
Looking for The Big One programme?
Need help using the calendar try this guide.

Visit Patchworks website