Extinction Rebellion Archives - Page 3 of 7 - Extinction Rebellion UK

Extinction Rebellion

Greta Thunberg joins protest against Farnborough Airport expansion to demand ban on private jets

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is joining local residents, Extinction Rebellion activists and climate change campaigners outside Farnborough Airport today (27 January) to protest against plans to increase private jet flights from 50,000 to 70,000 a year. The protesters are also calling for a total ban on private jets, which are up to 30 times more polluting than passenger airliners.

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Empty shoes for lost lives: Extinction Rebellion’s heartbreak plea for a ceasefire in Gaza

XR parents place hundreds of childrens' shoes in Trafalgar Square and call for immediate ceasefire In a moving ceremony in London’s Trafalgar Square today (Saturday), parents from Extinction Rebellion placed hundreds of empty childrens’ shoes at the world-famous landmark to represent all the young Israeli and Palestinian lives lost in the ongoing fighting.

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XR occupies Daily Telegraph offices

Extinction Rebellion today (10 November) peacefully occupied the offices of the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers to protest about their campaign of lies and disinformation aimed at stopping urgent action to tackle the accelerating climate crisis.

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Extinction Rebellion spoofs greenwashing PR Week Awards ceremony

Extinction Rebellion disrupt prestigious 2023 PR Week Awards with its colourful, alternative ‘Charred Earth’ awards, attacking the hypocrisy and ghastly greenwashing activities of the PR companies who hide their work with some of the world’s worst polluters and their funders.

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