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Newsletter 26: More news

Real Climate critique of the recent report on the climate benefits of mass tree planting. It seems the effect would be more like ⅕-⅓ of carbon sequestration over 50-100 years rather than the stated ⅔ and ‘this proportion will decrease if emissions continue to grow’. In other words it’s still worth doing (sensitively according…

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Newsletter 26: Global actions

XR Munich town hall lock-on 15 JUL | Munich, Germany XR Munich collaborated with Fossil Free Munich to protest the local government’s delay in closing a nearby coal-fired power station, as they had promised. Rebels and activists chained themselves to the town hall and distributed the keys among local politicians. They were urged to come…

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Newsletter 26: UK local actions

Four rebels arrested at XR Manchester Pension Fund action 19 JUL | GMPF, Manchester A crowd of 60 rebels gathered outside the Greater Manchester Pension Fund to demand that it withdraw its billions from fossil fuel investments. The GMPF is the biggest and dirtiest of its kind in the UK with 10% of its investments…

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The Summer of our Discontent

Summer Uprising special The boats are back! In April, our beloved pink boat caused quite a stir in Oxford Circus. This time, rebels summoned not one but FIVE beautiful bright boats to sail us into the Summer Uprising in FIVE UK cities: Bristol, Leeds, London, Cardiff and Glasgow. And what an Uprising it…

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