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Rebellion Needs (UK)

This Rebellion needs all hands on deck. ACTION SCHEDULE – Thursday and Friday XR Professionals THURSDAY: 5.30pm @ Trafalgar Sq Please come and join protesting professionals in your work attire / with a white sash / a placard stating your profession / job/ vocation / caregiving role. ?????????? Also in…

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You can’t confiscate an idea

Earlier today, London police appeared at a warehouse in Lambeth, arrested ten people, and confiscated XR equipment. It’s not the plan, but this is not a surprise – following our brilliance in April, the police (or at least those haven’t joined us!) have been using stern language. Pre-emptive action was very much expected. What’s more surprising, though,…

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Our April Arrestees in Numbers

For several weeks during the summer, a pair of reporters from Tortoise Media came to our regular Friday plea hearings. Last week they published their report, an in-depth look at how we’re taking out truth to the courts. As well as featuring a few of our defendants, they also produced some fascinating data…

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