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UK Newsletter 14: No Going Back

 (Sign up for the newsletter here) Dear rebels, Six weeks into this pandemic and many of us are feeling the strain. This crisis lays bare the vast vulnerability and grave injustices in our system.   Some of us may also feel unsettled in our path as rebels. There is a sense of frustration at a…

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History Corner: How Murder in Mexico Birthed Online Civil Disobedience

On December 22nd, 1997, in a remote village in southernmost Mexico, members of two right-wing paramilitary groups burst into a church prayer meeting and shot dead 45 indigenous people, mostly women and children. The Acteal massacre happened because the villagers were activists for Las Abejas (The Bees), a Christian pacifist group focused on land rights…

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No Going Back | Extinction Rebellion

Governments around the world have already begun putting together relief packages for high carbon industries amounting to tens of billions of pounds. This is the moment to make clear that we are no longer willing to live in a world that prioritises polluters over people #NoGoingBack.

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