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Global Newsletter #40: The World Is Still Sick

Dear rebels, Many countries may now be coming out of quarantine, but the world is still sick. Now, more than ever, it’s time to rebel. The last few weeks have seen a near-endless parade of atrocities which only serve to highlight the injustices and social inequalities of our time. This statement from XRISN…

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Thomas vs ČEZ

This is the story of Thomas, from the Czech Republic, who decided he will not stand by anymore against the criminal inaction of the government and more specifically the mostly state-owned energy provider ČEZ, who is preventing a fast transition to a decentralised and green power infrastructure in the Czech Republic and who’s pollution is…

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Whoopi Goldberg’s Dramatic Call for Climate Action

Whoopi Goldberg has teamed up with Extinction Rebellion in a beautiful new animation set in the future, entitled ‘The Gigantic Change’. The film, released as part of World Environment Day, looks back from 2050 to show how people came together to save the world from the climate and ecological crisis.

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