[video] XR UK Rebellion April 2019 Archives - Extinction Rebellion UK

[video] XR UK Rebellion April 2019


Video: April Revisited

A year ago today we took to the streets and made the impossible possible. Join us for five days of looking back to our achievements and forward to our future.

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The Only Thing Left to Try: Voices From the Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part Five in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements

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We Were Doing Our Duty: Voices From the Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part Two in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements.

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“I Am Not a Criminal”: Voices From the Stand

More than 1,000 people were charged with criminal offences after being arrested during the April Rebellion. Many read out statements in court which explained why they did what they did. Part One in a series of videos featuring the voices of arrestees reading excerpts from those statements.

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Make Your Own Paper Boat

A year ago today, XR's pink 'Tell the Truth' boat sailed into Oxford Circus. While we're all on lockdown, join us in celebrating that anniversary by making your own paper boat, a miniature memorial of the April Rebellion.

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