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Can you see it ? | Extinction Rebellion France
Can you see the absurdity of our world? Can you imagine another society?…
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George Monbiot ‘Summits Do Not Work’
‘One of the definitions of madness is doing the same thing again and again, and expecting a different result. Where climate summits are concerned we’ve done it 25 times now and we’ve basically got nowhere, biodiversity summits, not quite as many times, but plenty and we’re still getting nowhere.’…
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Jerome Flynn (Game of Thrones) Interview
Edited excerpt from Fergal McEntee’s Facebook live stream of the Extinction Rebellion 2019 October Rebellion Bank protest featuring Jerome Flynn (Game of Thrones).
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The Right to Life and Revolution | Tim Crosland and Roger Hallam
What follows is an exploration of the moral, legal and political consequences of that natural law, in the context of the climate and ecological emergency.
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Dr. Alice Brough’s speech outside DEFRA, London
During the Animal Rebellion protests in London, September 2020, veterinary doctor Alice Brough addressed the crowd outside the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs & gave a brief account of her time working the the animal agriculture industry.
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September Rebellion 2020 – Our Story
The Rebellion in London kicked off with the presentation of the CEE Bill to Parliament. It’s a truly transformative piece of legislation, and now supported by 56 MPs across 7 parties and rising.
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George Monbiot reacts to UK Gov ‘organised crime’ reclassification attempt
George Monbiot talks about authoritarian creep from the UK government and why attempts to reclassify Extinction Rebellion as ‘organised criminals’ is a sign of Extinction Rebellion’s success so far.
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HS2 Employees assault HS2 Rebellion activists
12 September 20 Harvil Road, Colne Valley Regional Park, UK…
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