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XR Köln [13 July 2019] bridge blockade (German)
Kamera/Schnitt: Peet, Hamburg Aditional Kamera: Jens, Köln Musik/Performance: Markus, Neuseeland – Extinction Rebellion Germany…
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Meidän veremme – Our blood
Elokapina (Extinction Rebellion Finland) organized a performative demonstration on Sunday the 30th of June in Helsinki’s Makasiinitori, on the threshold of Finland’s EU-presidency. The situation is severe, and both politicians and citizens have to wake up to its reality.
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Paris Action ‘Sur le Pont’
28 June 2019 – Protesters from Extinction Rebellion France, a civil disobedience movement that began in Britain, blocked traffic on the Pont de Sull. Guardian article here.
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XR Germany [15 June 2019] National Meeting Berlin (German)
Extinction Rebellion Germany nationwide meeting in Berlin, where delegates from all local groups planned strategies and exchanged ideas.
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