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Michael Moore in a live discussion with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell
Filmmakers Michael Moore, Jeff Gibbs and Ozzie Zehner discuss the film live with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell. (5 May 2020)…
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There’s No Going Back – No Hay Vuelta Atras | Extinction Rebellion
We can’t go back to normal. Let’s demand global change today. The inspiring film by XR Argentina.
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This Land | Parliament Square, London | April 2019
Rebels non-violently try to hold Parliament Square during the April 2019 London Extinction Rebellion.
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No Going Back | Extinction Rebellion
Governments around the world have already begun putting together relief packages for high carbon industries amounting to tens of billions of pounds. This is the moment to make clear that we are no longer willing to live in a world that prioritises polluters over people #NoGoingBack.
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Video: April Revisited
A year ago today we took to the streets and made the impossible possible. Join us for five days of looking back to our achievements and forward to our future.
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