Press Archives - Page 6 of 41 - Extinction Rebellion UK


This bank is dirty! Extinction Rebellion calls out HSBC’s Greenwash at AGM in Birmingham

Around fifty protesters descended on HSBC’s annual general meeting to call out the bank’s shameful climate policies as the bank announces soaring quarterly profits of $12.9 billion. Protestors arrived with a bath of greenwash, while a group of ‘dirty scrubbers’ offered to clean up the bank’s soiled image in return for cash. Inside people unfurled banners, sang songs, enacted dramatic skits and repeatedly called out HSBC’s broken promises over its climate pledges. HSBC has invested $145bn in fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement in 2016 and the bank’s climate pledges have been revealed as greenwash by a series of damaging exposes.

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Bankrolling our extinction: climate activists halt AGM of Barclays – Europe’s worst fossil fuel funder

A major bank funding our extinction by pouring billions of pounds into new fossil fuel projects was left in disarray today as activists linked to a huge new climate crisis coalition disrupted their Annual General Meeting headquarters in the City of London. The board of directors faced constant interruption and challenge making it almost impossible for the AGM to continue. When Barclays chairman Nigel Higgins tried to outline the bank’s own climate commitments, a protester shouted “bullshit.” A 70-strong Climate Choir sang a climate crisis version of the Spice Girls "Stop Right Now" to bank board members. Further disruption followed as Fossil Free London, enacted a Shakespearean condemnation of Barclays as being on the wrong side of history.

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The Big One’s message to the government: ‘You had your chance – now we’re stepping it up’ 

At 5pm today (Monday) a deadline set by the UK’s biggest-ever single-location, collaborative climate protest expired. Now more than 200 leading environmental and social justice groups, including Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace, War on Want, Avaaz and Global Justice Now, will step up their campaigns to force the government to immediately tackle the accelerating climate emergency and social injustice.

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Day 3: Running out of time: The Big One continues as over 200 organisations share the streets with London Marathon  

London's biggest sporting event and The Big One share the backdrop of the country's capital as protesters, runners and spectators peacefully work together towards a better future. As the government tests out its emergency alarm, time is running out for them to respond to our collective demands for an end to new fossil fuels, citizens assemblies and reparatory justice. Otherwise we will be forced to step it up...

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The Big One Day 2: Extinction Rebellion links up with Earth Day organisers for biodiversity march in Westminster, as numbers expected to swell

Extinction Rebellion and 200 other organisations are back in central London today for a mass 'die-in' in memory of and mourning for the heartbreaking 70% decline in wild animal populations since the first Earth Day in 1970. A recent study shows that the ecosystems we depend on for our survival are vanishing quicker than in any of the five mass extinctions that have struck our planet.

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The Big One goes Big: 50,000 people expected to descend on Westminster to join the biggest protest tackling the joint climate and political crises ever held in the UK

Household names from arts, culture, music and science will be joining an anticipated 50,000 people in the streets around Parliament this weekend as The Big One, a massive four-day protest demanding immediate government action on the accelerating climate, ecological and political crises, kicks off in earnest.

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Global Civic Movement Avaaz announces support for The Big One as 50k people predicted to surround Parliament this weekend

This morning, major US nonprofit Avaaz announced to its millions of supporters their support for The Big One this weekend, where Greenpeace, War on Want, PCS Union, NHS Workers Say No, Quakers in Britain, Extinction Rebellion and many others will stand side by side to demand an end to the fossil fuel era, with a citizen-led transition. The collection of over 200 groups has a collective membership nearing one hundred million.

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This morning, Extinction Rebellion and new allies from almost 200 leading environmental and social justice groups delivered two fresh demands to the government during a press conference - and set a deadline of seven days for Ministers to enter into negotiations about how they will plan to deliver them.

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Mass banner drop across the UK urges everyone to “Unite to Survive” at The Big One outside Parliament from 21-24 April

Over 60 colourful banners have been hung this morning from motorway bridges, at iconic sites, on castles, stone circles, coastlines and buildings from the Highlands of Scotland to the far south of Cornwall. The banners call on people to gather peacefully outside the Houses of Parliament from 21–24 April in a show of strength to demand a future that is safe and fair. Hundreds of trained participants from XR's network of local groups took the message to cities, towns and villages across the UK from Durdle Door in Dorset to Dufus Castle near Forres, and from The Angel of the North in Gateshead to Castlerigg Stone Circle in Keswick.

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CORRUPT AS FUCK: Extinction Rebellion spray paint the offices of The Sun, Daily Mail and The Telegraph and call out suppression of truth on climate crisis

BREAKING: In an act of civic duty, Extinction Rebellion has taken on the tabloid media this morning in a series of actions calling out their blatant suppression of crucial news on the climate and ecological crisis. In London, three people met The Sun's political investigative reporter Amir Razavi in a sting operation, where they posed as whistleblowers there to provide him with top secret information. The group questioned Razavi about his climate ethics, asking him to explain his newspaper's 30-year campaign of climate lies and misinformation.

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